About the library

All you need to know about Ringkøbing-Skjern Public Library.

Need to know

Opening hours for Public Library in Ringkøbing, Skjern, Videbæk, Tarm and Hvide Sande:

Opening hours for Ringkøbing-Skjern Public Library > 


How to get a library card

If you have a permanent address in Denmark and a Danish social security number (CPR) it is possible to get loaning rights to Ringkøbing-Skjern Public Library.


To get a library card, there are two options:

  1. Either bring your social security card and ask us at the information counter. 
  2. Or get instant access from home by using MitID. However, this procedure is only available in Danish.
    Use "Selvbetjening” the top right of our site
    and choose "Lånerkort og pinkode”

Danish guidelines are available here.


A library card is free of charge.

If you are under 18, you need to have permission from one of your parents. Ask at the library how.


Fees and fines 

If you do not return your loans on time, you will have to pay a fine.
If you loose or damage your loans, you have to pay a fee and the price to replace the loan.
For further information, see Rules, fees and fines


Nice to know

We hope to facilitate access to information, useful to immigrants, refugees, expats and tourists.


  • Computers without booking
  • Free WiFi
  • Print, copy and scan DKK 2 per page
  • Rooms for study groups or meetings
  • Events for children and adults

Rules, fees and fines

  • It is free to use the library however, if you are late returning your loans or lose an item, you have to pay a fine or a fee.
  • You are allowed to keep most loans for 30 days, except quick loans which can be kept for 14 or 7 days.
  • In order to avoid returning your loans too late, we have 2 reminders available, one is the sms reminder and the other is an email reminder. 
  • You will be asked at your sign-up which one you prefer. 

It is still your responsibility to check, when your loans are due.


Fines for loans kept beyond the due date:

Adults (from 18 years)

1-7 daysDKK 20 
8-14 days    DKK 50 
15-21 days     DKK 120
22- days    DKK 200 

After 30 days you will get af bill, of the price of  the borrowed item + the fees and the claim of debt will be handed over to the Municipal of Ringkøbing-Skjern for recovering.


Children (under 18 years) 

There are no fines for loans kept beyond the due date. If you do not return the borrowed item, your parents will get a bill of the price of the item. If your fees and fines surmount 200 kr, you are banned from borrowing materials, until the amount has been paid.


It is free to:

  • Make reservations of books, movies, music and other items via the library search pages. 
  • Receive sms or emails from the library.
  • Receive reminders via sms or email.
  • Borrow books, music and movies from other libraries.